Analisis Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa Kelas VIII Pada Materi Notasi Ilmiah
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problem solving skills, mathematical problem solving ability, Polya’s indicator, scientific notationAbstract
In the 21st century, the skills demanded are not only the ability to memorize, but are demanded more on critical thinking skills, creativity, and the ability to solve problems in everyday life. One of the abilities that must be developed by students is mathematical problem solving ability. Without this ability, students cannot solve daily life problems related to mathematics or problems that do not have automatic solutions properly. The problem solving ability steps using the Polya's indicators, namely: 1) understand the problem, 2) make a solution plan, 3) solve the problems, and 4) re-examine. The purpose of this research is to analyze the types of errors that are still made by students in solving story problems. The method used is qualitative research with 32 subjects of 8th grade students. The data analysis technique uses indicators of mathematical problem solving ability by using student answers from the problems given, then assessed based on scoring guidelines. The results obtained obtained information that students' mathematical problem solving skills at the stage of understanding the problem and solving the problem are good, but on the indicators of compiling a solution plan and checking back most students have not done it.
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