Jurnal Kebidanan2025-01-21T14:36:58+07:00Anik Latifah[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p>Jurnal EMBRIO is the bachelor midwifery journal at PGRI Adi Buana University in Surabaya, <strong>(P-ISSN: 2089-8789 and E-ISSN: 2714-7886).</strong> Which publish articles in midwifery, including: birth pregnancy, labor, childbirth; baby; family planning; reproductive health; complementary midwifery care.</p> <p><strong>Publication schedule: May and November</strong></p> <p>This journal publishes scientific papers that discuss the results of research studies and literature reviews as well as the latest issues and trends occuring.</p> Influence of Progressive Relaxation on Anxiety in Pregnant Women with Hypertension 2025-01-17T11:08:11+07:00Ning Arum Nur Rosyadah[email protected]Finta Isti Kundarti[email protected]Indah Rahmaningtyas[email protected]Dwi Estuning Rahayu[email protected]<p>Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy are a serious issue affecting between 5 percent to 10 percent of all pregnancies globally. Women experiencing hypertension during pregnancy may suffer significant psychological impacts, including anxiety. Progressive muscle relaxation exercises can help reduce muscle tension, enhance feelings of happiness, and alleviate stress and anxiety during pregnancy. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of progressive relaxation on anxiety in pregnant women with hypertension. The research employed a Quasi-Experimental approach using a pretest-posttest control group design with 60 participants. The participants were split into two groups: the intervention group (30 participants), who received progressive relaxation twice a day for 14 days, and the control group (30 participants), who received standard care. The Paired Sample T-Test revealed a noteworthy reduction in anxiety levels (p equal 0.000) among the intervention group. In contrast, the control group did not exhibit significant alterations in anxiety levels (p equal 0.746) after the treatment. Thus, progressive relaxation proves effective in reducing anxiety levels among pregnant women with hypertension. Future research should consider increasing the frequency and duration of interventions and exploring alternative approaches to further address hypertension issues during pregnancy.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ning Arum Nur Rosyadah, Finta Isti Kundarti, Indah Rahmaningtyas, Dwi Estuning Rahayu Android-Based Application Development Model for Stunting Prevention2025-01-17T11:08:04+07:00Melsa Sagita Imaniar[email protected]Dewi Nurdianti[email protected]Irma Nuraini[email protected]<p>Stunting is a condition in which toddlers have a length or height that is less than their age, occurring due to malnutrition in the first 1000 days of life (HPK). An effort to answer this problem is the existence of the golden1000 application, which is an android-based application that can be used by pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, mothers with children under 24 months, and midwives in escorting 1000 HPK. The research method used is to analyse user needs, design, algorithms, implementations, and application testing. The results of the research obtained the features needed in the application, including the log-in menu, register, pregnancy, breastfeeding, MP-ASI, articles, child interaction, videos, online consultations, photo albums, agendas, and log-out. The Golden1000 application has a feature that displays educational needs for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and mothers with 2-year-old children, and midwives to escort 1000 HPK to prevent stunting.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Melsa Sagita Imaniar, Dewi Nurdianti, Irma Nuraini Association of Occupation and Income with The Incidence of Stunting 2025-01-21T14:36:58+07:00Fifin Dewi Fitriani[email protected]Tri Sunarsih[email protected]Lily Yulaikhah[email protected]<p>Stunting is the most common form of child malnutrition worldwide, affecting 161 million children aged 0 to 5 years. One way to look at a community's general health condition is through the socioeconomic status within that group. This study aimed to determine the relationship between occupation and income with the incidence of stunting in the Ngalang sub-district. The design of this study was cross-sectional with a population of 85 parents who had toddlers aged 0-60 months with stunting conditions in Ngalang Village, Gunungkidul Yogyakarta. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with the Slovin method with an error tolerance of 10percent, so the sample size was 46 parents and stunted toddlers who met the inclusion criteria. Data were analysed using Spearman's rho test. The results showed that the father's job was p equal 0.021, the mother's job was p equal 0.70, and the family income was p equal 0.023. There is an association between father's occupation and family income on the condition of stunted toddlers. However, there is no relationship between the mother's job and the condition of stunted toddlers in Ngalang Village. The advice given in this study is that families with stunted toddlers should look for opportunities to increase family income, such as finding additional work or starting a small business from home.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fifin Dewi Fitriani, Tri Sunarsih, Lily Yulaikhah Role of Parents in Overcoming Feeding Refusal and Preventing Iron Deficiency Anemia in Toddlers2025-01-17T11:08:00+07:00Kholifatul Ummah[email protected]<p>Feeding refusal, commonly observed in infants, particularly during their first year of life, is when infants experience difficulty eating or refuse to eat. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies or malnutrition. Additionally, feeding refusal can be triggered by the inappropriate introduction of complementary foods regarding composition, texture, and feeding methods. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional problem worldwide, especially in developing countries. Anemia in children is a hemoglobin level significantly below the average for their age. Based on surveys conducted by the Ministry of Health and several health reports, the prevalence of anemia in toddlers ranges from 40percent to 50percent . The results of a preliminary study conducted at Brondong Health Center, Brondong District, Lamongan Regency, from May to July 2024, found that 25percent of toddlers exhibited feeding refusal. Hemoglobin tests on these 11 toddlers revealed an average below 11 gr/dl. The research aims to determine the role of parents in overcoming food refusal and preventing iron deficiency anemia in toddlers. This study can use a quantitative approach with an observational analytical design at Brondong Health Center, Brondong District, Lamongan Regency. The population is toddlers aged 6-24 months with feeding refusal problems and their parents/mothers, with a sample size of 20 respondents. The measuring instrument used in this study is a questionnaire using the KAP scale, and the test used is the Chi-Square test. From this test, it was concluded that the p-value is 0.000, indicating the role of parents in addressing feeding refusal and anemia in toddlers at Brondong Health Center, Brondong District, Lamongan Regency.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kholifatul Ummah Influence of Parenting Styles and Parental Attitudes on The Behavioral Development of Children Aged 3- 5 Years2025-01-17T11:08:20+07:00Siti Mudlikah[email protected]<p>Developmental abnormalities in children can occur as a result of parental inattention and attitudes. The purpose of this study is to understand better the association between parenting methods and parental attitudes and the conduct of children aged three to five. The research method is descriptive-analytical, with a cross-sectional approach. TKM NU 166 Nahdlatul Ummah Goloka Kanjeng Sepuh Gresik is home to 34 parents with children aged 3-5 years. Purposive sampling was utilized, with 30 parents as the sample size. Questionnaires were used to collect data on parenting techniques, parental views, and children's conduct. Observation checklists were also used. Data were processed using frequency distribution tables and examined using the Lamda statistical test. The outcomes of the data analysis were triangulated using interviews, observations, and documentation. The study found that 11 children (84.6percent) with democratic parenting exhibited prosocial behavior, but authoritarian and permissive parenting styles were linked to antisocial behavior. All children (100percent) of parents with negative attitudes engaged in antisocial behavior. The conclusion is that parenting techniques and parental attitudes influence children's conduct.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Mudlikah Role of Maternal Support in Developing Attitudes and Managing Anxiety of Adolescent Girls at Menarche: A Correlational Study2025-01-17T11:07:57+07:00Yusmar Izza Hindrati[email protected]Rita Yulifah[email protected]Sheilla Tania Marcelina[email protected]<p>Menarche is the first menstrual period during adolescence, which experiences changes during menarche and experiences anxiety. This research aimed to determine the relationship between maternal support and the attitudes and anxiety of adolescent girls facing menarche in Kalirejo Bangil Village. The design research correlation analysis was done using a cross-sectional approach, with a sample size of 38 teenage girls in grades 4-6 who had menstruated at the Kalirejo Bangil State Elementary School using a proportional random sampling technique. This research instrument uses a questionnaire. The data analysis was univariate and bivariate with the Spearman rank correlation test. The results of the univariate analysis showed that 29 teenage girls (76.3percent) had sufficient maternal support, 30 adolescent girls (78.9percent) had a good attitude, and 24 teenage girls (63.2percent) experienced moderate anxiety in facing menarche. Based on the results of the analysis using the Spearman Rank, it was found that in the variable maternal support and the attitude of adolescent girls, the P-value was 0.342, which means there is no relationship between maternal support and the attitude of adolescent girls in facing menarche, while in the variable maternal support and adolescent girls' anxiety, the P-value was 0.017, which means there is relationship between maternal support and adolescent girls' anxiety in facing menarche. Maternal support did not directly influence adolescent girls' positive or negative attitudes. However, there is a significant relationship between maternal support and adolescent girls' anxiety levels. The higher the perceived support, the lower the level of anxiety experienced.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yusmar Izza Hindrati, Rita Yulifah, Sheilla Tania Marcelina Effect of Baby Massage on Sleep Quantity in Infants Aged 6-12 Months With Cough and Cold2025-01-17T11:08:16+07:00Wahyu Asih Winda Firdawanti[email protected]Nurrahmi Umami[email protected]Agus Purnama Sari[email protected]<p>Sleep quantity is very important for infant growth and development. If the baby’s sleep quantity is poor, it can cause the baby’s physiology and psychology to be disturbed. In infant with cough and cold, the most common problem is sleeping disturbance. One of the non-pharmacological therapies that can be given to babies who are coughing and cold is baby massage. Baby massage can also cause a decrease in alpha waves and beta waves, so that theta waves will increase. This study aims to determine the effect of baby massage on the quantity of sleep-in infant aged 6-12 months with a cold cough in the working area of Karang Rejo Health Centre, Tarakan. This research was quantitative research with quasi experimental design pre and post with out control. The population in this study amounted to 124 babies. The sample size was 33 respondents. The result showed the quantity of sleep infants aged 6-12 month with a cold cough before being given a massage intervention 33 infant (100percent) with a bad category, after being given a baby massage intervention the quantity of sleep of infant aged 6-12 months with a cold cough increased to a good category namely 27 infants (81,8percent). Bivariate analysis Wilcoxon test showed p-value= 0,001 (p-value less than 0,05) which means that there was an effect of giving baby massage on the quantity of sleep of infant aged 6-12 months with a cold cough in the working area of Karang Rejo Health Centre, Tarakan.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyu Asih Winda Firdawanti, Nurrahmi Umami, Agus Purnama Sari of Cinnamon Aromatherapy (Cinnamon Burmanii) to Reduce Postpartum Pain in Normal Delivery2025-01-17T11:07:43+07:00Retno Setyo Iswati[email protected]<p>After delivery, uterine contractions will occur, which cause pain. Postpartum pain is physiological and lasts for several days after the delivery process. Postpartum pain that is not handled properly and correctly can cause discomfort, including disrupting activities, disturbing the mother's rest time, or when breastfeeding, and can cause trauma. Handling postpartum pain using cinnamon aromatherapy inhalation can be an alternative to non-pharmacological therapy. Cinnamon contains the main compounds, namely cinnamaldehyde and eugenol, which have anti-inflammatory effects and can reduce pain. In addition, the content of essential oils helps relax tense muscles, increase circulation, and relieve stomach cramps. The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of cinnamon aromatherapy inhalation in reducing postpartum pain in normal delivery. The type of research is Quasy Experimental with a pre-test and post-test design. The research sample consisted of 30 postpartum mothers divided into control and intervention groups. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The research instrument used was the Visual Analague Scale (VAS), which measured the pain level, and an observation sheet. Cinnamon inhalation was given to the intervention group by dripping cinnamon onto a tissue and inhaling it at a distance of plus minus 1 cm from the nostrils for 30 minutes starting 6 hours postpartum until the 3rd day. The control group was given deep breathing relaxation, starting 6 hours postpartum and continuing until the 3rd day. Data analysis used the Mann-Whitney test. The results of the Mann-Whitney test showed a p-value of 0.001. Cinnamon aromatherapy inhalation is effective in reducing postpartum pain in normal delivery</p>2025-01-14T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Retno Setyo Iswati Effect of the Unting Debt Game (Anti-Stunting Snake and Ladder) on Increasing Knowledge About Stunting 2025-01-17T11:08:07+07:00Cahaya Indah Lestari[email protected]Catur Esty Pamungkas[email protected]Siti Mardiyah WD[email protected]Rizkia Amilia[email protected]Ni Wayan Ari Adiputri[email protected]Evi Diliana Rospia[email protected]Indriyani Makmun[email protected]Aulia Amini[email protected]Dwi Kartika Cahyaningtyas[email protected]<p>The prevalence of stunting in the world, as collected by WHO in 2020, was 150.8 million (22.2percent). WHO has designated five regions as stunting prevalence, including Indonesia in the Southeast Asian region with a prevalence rate (36.4percent). Adolescents are a group that has the potential to be agents of behavior change. For this reason, adolescents need to be given education to increase knowledge and build awareness of the impact of stunting in the future. This study aims to determine the influence of Uting Debt Media (Snake and Ladder Stunting) in increasing adolescents' knowledge about stunting. This research is quantitative. The type of research used was Quasy Experimental pretest and posttest with the control group. The population in this study is all young women of MTS Jamaluddin Bagik Nyaka Village in August 2024, with a sample of 30 people divided into two groups with 15 members each and using purposive sampling techniques. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire to determine the level of knowledge of adolescent girls about stunting before and after the intervention. The statistical results of the post-test of the experimental and control groups using the Mann-Whitney techniques showed Asymp. signature. (2-tailed) 0.012 less than 0.050, with the mean rank of the experimental group of 19.00 and the mean rank of the control group of 12.00. So, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the results of the post-test of the experimental group and the control group, which affects the increase of knowledge in the experimental group before and after being given treatment to increase adolescent knowledge about stunting</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Cahaya Indah Lestari, Catur Esty Pamungkas, Siti Mardiyah WD, Rizkia Amilia, Ni Wayan Ari Adiputri, Evi Diliana Rospia, Indriyani Makmun, Aulia Amini, Dwi Kartika Cahyaningtyas of Administration of Papaya Leaf Capsule Extract (Carica Papaya) and Moringa Leaves (Moringa Oleifera) on Increasing Prolactin Hormones in Breastfeeding Mothers 2025-01-17T11:08:24+07:00Sofia Mawaddah[email protected]<p>This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of administering papaya (Carica Papaya) and Moringa leaf (Moringa oleifera) capsule extracts on prolactin hormone levels in breastfeeding mothers in PMB M Palangka Raya City. The research used was Quasy Experimental, Two Group Pretest – Posttest design (two groups pretest – posttest). The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, with a total sample of 66 respondents who met or met the inclusion criteria. The statistical test used is the Independent T-test. Based on the significance results, the resulting Z statistic is -3.531 with a probability of 0.000. This means that probability less than significance level (alpha equals 5percent). Thus, it can be stated that there is a significant difference in the levels of the hormone prolactin in breastfeeding mothers in PMB M Palangka Raya City before and after administering Moringa leaf capsule extract.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sofia Mawaddah in Labour Pain at First Stage with Birthing Ball Techniques in Primigravida Mothers2025-01-17T11:07:53+07:00Mella Yuria Rachma Anandita[email protected]Irwanti Gustina[email protected]<p class="TableParagraph" style="margin: 0cm 7.4pt .0001pt -3.55pt;"><span lang="EN-US">Labour pain causes the release of stress hormones, resulting in decreased uterine contractions and uteroplacental circulation, reduced blood flow and oxygen to the uterus, which makes pain impulses multiply. One technique to reduce labour pain non-pharmacologically is with a birthing ball. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of birthing balls in reducing first-stage labor pain in primigravida. This study used a quick experiment with a Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The population was all mothers giving birth in three Depok City maternity centers. The sample used a purposive sampling technique, with as many as 50 samples of experimental and control groups. Data analysis using two dependent means or dependent T-test (paired T-test). Before the birthing ball intervention, the experimental group felt moderate labour pain by 76%, after the birthing ball technique experienced a decrease in the moderate pain scale by 64%. Analysis results show an average decrease in pain levels of labouring mothers who use the Birthing Ball 0.38. The results of statistical calculations also mention a p-value of 0.0001, meaning that the use of the Birthing Ball has proven effective in reducing first-stage labour pain. Birthing Ball in labour increases endorphin release, effectively reducing labour pain.</span></p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mella Yuria Rachma Anandita, Irwanti Gustina of Phoenix Dactylifera and Oxytocin Massage on Prolactin Levels in Breastfeeding Mothers in Palembang City2025-01-17T11:07:46+07:00Aprilina Aprilina[email protected]Ocktariyana Ocktariyana[email protected]Dian Lestari[email protected]<p>Exclusive breastfeeding is essential in the growth and development of babies and improves maternal health. Exclusive breastfeeding can reduce infant mortality rates; of the 3 thousand infant deaths in Indonesia, 10 million deaths of children aged less than 5 years in the world each year can be prevented by exclusive breastfeeding. The hormones that play a role in breastfeeding mothers are prolactin and oxytocin. The research aimed to look at the effectiveness of oxytocin massage and Phoenix dactylifera in increasing the levels of the hormone prolactin in breastfeeding mothers. The research was a Quasi Experiment with a Post Test only design, a sample of 30 people divided into three groups. Phoenix Dactylifera intervention, oxytocin massage intervention, and control without treatment. The research was conducted at TPMB Palembang city. Analysis using the Shapiro-Wilks test for data homogeneity using Levene's test (pmore than 0.05) and the One Way ANOVA test compared the means of the three groups. The results showed no significant differences between the three groups where the ρ value was more than 0.05. The conclusion is that there is nothing more effective in increasing prolactin hormone levels than giving Phoenix dactylifera and oxytocin massage because it is thought to be caused by many influencing factors, including age, education, nutritional intake, and maternal parity.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Aprilina Aprilina, Ocktariyana Ocktariyana, Dian Lestari Effect of Pelvic Rocking and Effleurage Massage on Labor Pain2025-01-17T11:07:50+07:00Setiana Andarwulan[email protected]Anik Latifah[email protected]Sofa Qurrota’ayun[email protected]Tetty Rihardini[email protected]<p>Women usually experience labor pain at certain times, and it often occurs near full dilation. Labor pain is the cause of discomfort in the labor process. Mothers try to overcome pain by checking themselves with the nearest health worker. Pain treatment can be done pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. Non-pharmacological treatment can be done by doing body movements and effluent massage. Body movements in the form of pelvic rocking and effluent massage. This type of research is a survey study with a one-group pre-test and post-test design. The population used was 38 respondents, with a sample of 34 using simple purposive sampling. The measuring instrument used to measure was in the form of SOP and observation sheets. Furthermore, data collection was carried out. The data that had been collected was tabulated, scored, coded, and data analyzed using data normality tests, homogeneity tests, and data analysis tests using Wilcoxon signed. The statistical test results obtained a p-value equal 0.000, meaning the p-value less than a (0.05). Thus, it can be concluded that pelvic rocking and effluent massage have an effect on reducing labor pain.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Setiana Andarwulan, Anik Latifah, Sofa Qurrota’ayun, Tetty Rihardini