Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Manuscript Template 

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General requirements

  1. Manuscripts sent to our journal must be written in Indonesian. Papers accepted for publication vary from 5 to 15 pages in two-column format. The main text can usually be divided into separate sections, compiled by Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions.
  2. This journal contains articles in the form of research results and scientific ideas on themes and sub-themes that have been determined. Therefore, the article may contain tables and pictures of research results.
  3. The journals contain articles written using standard A4 size paper and 30 mm left, 20 mm right, up and down 25 mm each. Meanwhile, for writing text two-column format is used. The distance of the two columns is 6 mm (0.24 inch). The type of writing used is Times Roman.
  4. The title of the paper is written in capital letters and placed in the first line of page one and centered by using 14-point font size and in bold. After the title is placed a 14-point blank line.
  5. Then write the name of the author (12 points), then a blank line (12 points) and type the name of the institution and address (12 points) of the authors centrally. Author names that can be invited for correspondence should be marked with a superscript by including an email address under the name and address of the institution. Abstracts as titles are written below the email address with a distance of 12 points. While the abstract content is also written with a distance of 12 points from Abstract.
  6. Sub-headings are numbered and typed in capital letters at the beginning of words and in bold type with a size of 12 points. Fill in the text typed in 12-letter size letters. Between the last line of text with subtitles placed 12 blank lines. Between subtitles and the first line of text is a 12-point blank line. English terms must be italicized. If writing an equation using the equation editor and must be followed by numbering.