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Anti-Bullying Program, CIPP Model, Early Childhood Education, Interviews, Qualitative ObservationAbstract
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an anti-bullying program in the context of early childhood education at Sunggal using the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product) Model. The research employed a comprehensive qualitative research design to gain in-depth insights into various aspects of the program and its impact on students. Data were collected through qualitative observations and interviews with teachers and stakeholder s involved in the anti-bullying program. The findings revealed a positive picture of the program's effectiveness. In the context analysis, stakeholder s displayed a high level of awareness about bullying issues in early childhood and strong support for the program. The input analysis highlighted a well-planned program and adequate resource allocation. In the process dimension, the anti-bullying activities were effectively implemented, with active student and teacher involvement. The product analysis demonstrated that the program successfully brought about positive changes in students' behavior and enhanced their well-being. This study confirms that the CIPP Model, when coupled with qualitative research methods, provides a valuable approach to assess anti-bullying programs in early childhood education. Understanding and stakeholder support, careful program planning, effective implementation of activities, and positive changes in student behavior are key factors contributing to the program's success. The practical implications are significant, as similar programs can adopt this approach to create safe and supportive educational environments for young children. This research contributes to minimizing bullying incidents among early childhood students and establishes a strong foundation for the positive development of vulnerable participants..
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