Teaching English Concrete Nouns Using Pictionary Game
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The study discusses the effectiveness of teaching English
concrete noun using Pictionary game. The background of the study
is based on the phenomena that students in SDN Sendangrejo III
Ngimbang usually get bored to learn vocabulary especially on
concrete nouns. That is the reason why the teacher should device a
good exercise or a way of teaching English concrete nouns.
Learning vocabulary at Elementary School can be done through
many ways, so the researcher teaches vocabulary using Pictionary
game. This game may become an alternative way to teach English
nouns for beginning level. It is more emphasizing on active
learning and language teaching, because it makes students more
active. The purpose of the study is to know whether or not using
Pictionary game is effective to improve students’ English concrete
nouns in the fourth graders of SDN Sendangrejo III Ngimbang.
This study is categorized as a quantitative research. The data is
obtained by giving test to the experimental class and control class
after giving a different learning to both classes. The number of the
subjects is twenty in each class. They are IV A is as experimental
class, and IV B control class. The instruments used to collect the
data were documentation and test. Test was used to know students’
competence before and after the experiment run. There are two
kinds of test. They are pre-test and post test. The result of the
research showed that the use of Pictionary game as a media of
teaching concrete nouns was effective. There was a significance
difference in the achievement between students in class IV A
(experimental class) and students in class IV B (control class). It is
showed of the mean of experimental class is higher than control
class (80.70 > 73.35). On the other hand, the test of hypothesis
using t-test formula shows the value of the t-test is higher than the
value of the t-table. The value is (3.141>1.68). The hypothesis is
accepted. Therefore it can be concluded that the use of Pictionary
game as a media of teaching concrete nouns was effective.