Web Online: Empowering the Student’s Pronunciation
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As an important component in the context of teaching
EFL, pronunciation is considered as one of the core language parts
in the achievement of successful learning English. Pronunciation
plays an important role in conducting the students how to speak
some English words appropriately. Some students are often
interfered by English pronunciation. They are difficult to define
how to pronounce English words well. On the other hand, by
pronouncing English words accurately, the students can expand
their communication efficiency. Helping the students hear and
produce English sounds is one of main tasks of English teachers to
develop the students’ English competence.
This research aimed at investigating how to teach English
pronunciation through Web Online. The research was conducted to
the eleventh graders of vocational high school in Academic Year of
2015/2016. This research was Classroom Action Research (CAR).
The implementation of the technique was carried out in six
meetings in two cycles (each cycle was three meetings). The results
of the research showed that there were: (1) improvement of the
students’ mean score in pronunciation test. It indicated that Web
Online brought positive improvement on students’ pronunciation.
(2) Improvement of the students’ involvement during the process
of learning English. By analyzing the data of questionnaire and
observation checklist, the researchers found that most of the
students had positive response in learning pronunciation. Derived
from the findings, it can be concluded that Web Online has
improved the students’ pronunciation in the process of learning
English. It theoretically and practically helps students pronounce
English words better.