Application of Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Method for Grouping Non-Cash Food Assistance Recipients in Ngambon Bojonegoro

 Abstract views: 125


  • Alif Yuanita Kartini Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri
  • Abdul Manaf Jamiluddin Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri



Agglomerative hierarchical clustering, Non-cash food assistance, Grouping


One of the sub-districts in Bojonegoro that received non-cash food assistance was Ngambon sub-district. The non-cash food assistance provided in Ngambon sub-district has not been on target. This is because underprivileged people do not get assistance, while people who can afford it actually get non-cash food assistance. So, research is needed with the aim that non-cash food assistance provided by the government can be distributed according to procedures. The method used in this study is agglomerative hieralchical clustering to group recipients of non-cash food assistance from the people of Ngambon Bojonegoro. The variables used were 12 indicators of non-cash food assistance set by the Bojonegoro district Social Office. The data used were 131 recipients of non-cash food assistance spread across five villages in Ngambion sub-district. Grouping results with the single linkage method are less relevant. Meanwhile, with the average linkage and complate linkage methods, five clusters were obtained, and with ward linkage, three clusters were obtained. Based on the elbow rule, it was found that ward linkage is the best grouping method, with cluster 1 totaling 57 people, cluster 2 totaling 53 people and cluster 3 totaling 21 people.


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How to Cite

Kartini, A. Y., & Jamiluddin, A. M. . . (2023). Application of Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Method for Grouping Non-Cash Food Assistance Recipients in Ngambon Bojonegoro. J Statistika: Jurnal Ilmiah Teori Dan Aplikasi Statistika, 16(1), 342–353.