Binary Logistic Regression Analysis on the Spread of Dengue Fever in Bali Province

 Abstract views: 149


  • Luh Putu Safitri Pratiwi Program Studi Sistem Informasi, ITB STIKOM Bali
  • I Made Pasek Pradnyana Wijaya Program Studi Sistem Informasi, ITB STIKOM Bali



Dengue Fever, Logistic Regression, Bali Province


The spread of dengue fever involves a complex cycle between humans as hosts and mosquitoes as vectors. Symptoms of dengue fever can vary from a mild fever to a severe form that can be life-threatening. One of the areas that has the highest spread of dengue fever in Bali Province is the Denpasar area. Research continues to be carried out to understand the factors that influence the spread of dengue fever using the binary logistic regression method. Binary logistic regression is a regression model that is often used in modeling categorical data, where the dependent variable in this study is the distribution of dengue fever cases with the number of cases spreading in each region being assigned a category of zero for a low number of cases and one for a high number of cases. So in this research a more effective strategy was developed in controlling this disease as well as the best model for data on the spread of dengue fever in Bali Province. The results obtained from this research were a test of the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable, showing that the variable number of adequate sanitation facilities (X5) had a significant influence on the number of dengue fever sufferers in Bali Province, namely 0.081.


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How to Cite

Safitri Pratiwi, L. P., & Pradnyana Wijaya, I. M. P. . (2024). Binary Logistic Regression Analysis on the Spread of Dengue Fever in Bali Province. J Statistika: Jurnal Ilmiah Teori Dan Aplikasi Statistika, 17(1), 614–623.