Association of Poverty Categories, Educational Characteristics, and Area of Residence in Indonesia Using a Three-Way Log-Linear Model

Contingency Table, Log-Linear Model, Poverty, Characteristics of Education, Area of ResidenceAbstract
Contingency tables are one way to present data with all categorical variables. The analysis used to model the contingency table is a log-linear model. The log-linear model is also used to estimate parameters and see the association between variables. This research aims to utilize the three-way log-linear model to model and see the association between poverty category variables, educational characteristics (level of education and reading and writing ability) of the head of the household, and area of residence in Indonesia in 2023. Research is done by forming a saturated and homogeneous log-linear model first, then comparing the difference in deviance values from the two models with the table chi-square value or choosing the smallest AIC value to determine the best model. The results obtained are a significant saturated model. This means that there is an association between the poverty category variable, the education level of the head of the household, and the area of residence. There is also an association between the poverty category variable, the reading and writing ability of the head of the household, and the area of residence. In addition, there is a greater tendency for poverty for heads of households who have a primary school education or less and cannot read and write.
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