Statistical Quality Control (SQC) Method Analysis Regarding Qualty Control of Shoe Products (Case Study of PT-X)
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Quality Control, Statistical Quality Control Method (SQC)Abstract
The shoe industry plays an important role in the economy with mass production, creating fierce competition. Companies need to plan production carefully to meet market demand. Observations show that there are production defects that reduce performance and cause losses, especially in distribution. This research uses P-Chart Analysis to compare the proportion of defective products, aiming to detect errors before sale. The application of a quality control method through Statistical Quality Control (SQC) is proposed. The Pareto diagram identifies the main types of damage: over cementing (35.9%), open bonding (27.7%), overlay (24.1%), metal material damage (6.3%), and material damage (6.1 %). P-Chart analysis found points outside the control limits in the 15th and 18th data, which were removed for sample stabilization. Fishbone analysis helps identify the cause of the problem. Over cementing, open bonding, and overlay are caused by human, material, and machine factors. Damage to metal materials and materials is also caused by human, material and machine factors, as well as method factors. This research shows the importance of implementing quality control to reduce production defects and improve company performance.
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