Development of E-Module Teaching Materials on the Role of Economic Activity Actors for Class X IPS 1 Students at SMAN 1 Cerme

 Abstract views: 101


  • Roudlotul Jannah Universitas negeri surabaya
  • Arief universitas negeri surabaya



pengembangan bahan ajar, modul, peran pelakuekonomi


This study aims to develop teaching materials for the application of e-modules on the role of economic actors in terms of feasibility, practicality and effectiveness in order to improve student learning outcomes on the material on the role of economic actors in economic activities independently. This study uses the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The trial of teaching materials was limited to class X IPS 1 at SMAN 1 Cerme with a total of 36 students. Based on the results and analysis, the average value of the total validity of teaching materials is 3.5 (material expert) and 3.6 (graphic expert). The average validity is 3.55 with a very valid category. The average value of the total practicality of teaching materials is 99.5% in the very practical category and the average value of the total effectiveness of teaching materials is 97% of the total students who get learning outcomes above the classical completeness score of 75 points (determined KKM). teaching materials for the application of e-modules on the role of economic actors can be said to be effective.


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How to Cite

Jannah, R., & Rafsanjani, M. A. (2022). Development of E-Module Teaching Materials on the Role of Economic Activity Actors for Class X IPS 1 Students at SMAN 1 Cerme. Buana Pendidikan: Jurnal Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Unipa Surabaya, 18(2), 279–301.