Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Abstract: Manuscripts written in Bahasa Indonesia should have abstract in both English and Bahasa Indonesia. However, any English article is not required to have abstract in Indonesian language. The content of abstract should include research objective/s, methods, results, and conclusion with a maximum length of 200-250 words and is completed with at least three key words in alphabetical order.

Keywords: Jurnal, Plano Buana, Unipa


  1. Introduction

Original research articles are preferable. However, other types of manuscripts such as review, including book review, conceptual or theoretical framework, and philosophical view, are also welcome. Articles should be systemized as follows: Introduction, literature review, Methods, Findings and Discussion (please include the analysis in this section), and Concluding Remarks (please include the recommendations, if any, here). The typing format of manuscript is as follows: one spacing, font type Times New Roman 11 pts, A4 paper size, use Word for Windows (preferably the 1997-2003 version), maximum of 7000 words in length.

  1. How to Write the Title

The article title should be written with left alignment, fonts of Times New Roman 14pt, and a maximum of 12 words. Author name/s should be placed under the article title with title case format, no academic or other titles included, completed with the affiliated institution names. For articles written in Bahasa Indonesia, the title should also be written in English.

  1. How to Write the Abstract

Abstract is a very brief summary of the article, so it should include the problem statement, aim/s, methods, analysis, results, and conclusion. For article in Bahasa Indonesia, abstract should be written in both Bahasa Indonesia and English. The maximum length of abstract is 200-250 words. Indonesian abstract (abstrak) and englis abtract should use Times New Roman 11 pts (Italics).

  1. How to Write the Body of Article

The article should be written with justify alignment using Times New Roman, 11pts. Overall The margin format should be 2,54 cm.

  1. Tables and Figures

Title of Table/Figure should well represent the content but be concise at maximum of 12 words. The title of table/figure should be written in bold, center alignment, using Times New Roman 11 pts, while the source of table/figure should be acknowledged immediately after the title in italics using Times New Roman 10 pts, center alignment. For tables, the title and the source should be placed before the table, while for figures the title and the source should be after the figure.

  1. Acknowledgement

Any person, institution, and/or other party having contributed in the completion of the manuscript can be acknowledged. For a research based article, at least the funding source/s of the research should be acknowledged.

  1. How to Write the References

References should be written in one spacing using Times New Roman 11 pts. Please use APA 6th style ( Examples of references can be seen below. Please use Aplication Manager References such as EndNoteMendeleyZotero, ect.



Grant, J. (2006). Planning The Good Community: New Urbanism in Theory and Pratice. London: Routledge Published.

Hamidah, N., Rijanta, R., Setiawan, B., & Marfai, M. A. (2017). Kampung sebagai Model Permukiman Berkelanjutan di Indonesia. Inersia - Jurnal Teknik Sipil Dan Arsitektur, 12(2), 114–124.

Heryati. (2011). Kampung Kota sebagai bagian dari Permukiman Kota Studi Kasus : Tipologi Permukiman Rw 01 Rt 02 Kelurahan Limba B dan Rw 04 Rt 04 Kel. Biawu Kecamatan Kota Selatan Kota Gorontalo. Jurnal Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, 11–13.

Kustiwan, I., & Ramadhan, A. (2019). Strategi Peningkatan Kualitas Lingkungan Kampung-Kota dalam Rangka Pembangunan Kota yang Inklusif dan Berkelanjutan : Pembelajaran dari Kasus Kota Bandung. Jornal of Regional and Rural Development Planning, 3(1), 64–84.