technical guidance, teaching module, Reading-ViewingAbstract
This technical guidance aims at providing a training in preparing project-based reading teaching modules for tenth grade English teachers. This training is to design a module that integrates the Kurikulum Merdeka with a project-based approach. This aim is to ensure that the teaching modules prepared relevant to the learning materials set by the government, while still offering interesting and meaningful content for students. The participants are the EFL teachers of senior high school in Sidoarjo. The method applied involves systematic stages, including literature study, needs analysis, goal formulation, material preparation, and validation by education experts and English language experts. This technical guidance also emphasizes the importance of a project-based approach in reading learning, explore potential projects that are relevant to students' real lives, and offer effective strategies and techniques in designing and implementing project-based teaching modules. Also, it discusses aspects of evaluation in project-based Reading-Viewing learning, including assessment of student performance and evaluation of teaching modules. It is hoped that the results of this training can make a positive contribution to improving the quality of Reading-Viewing learning in class X. Teachers are expected to improve their skills in designing and managing learning that is interesting, interactive, and relevant to students' needs and interests. In addition, it is hoped that there will also be an increase in students' interest and motivation in developing their English reading skills.
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