Penentuan Jumlah Bakteri Daging Ayam Broiler (Gallus domesticus) Setelah Direndam Dalam Larutan Lidah Mertua (Sansevieria trifasciata)

The aim of study to test the inhibitory solution of lidah merua (Sansevieria trifasciata) on amount of bacteri, protein content, and organoleptic characteristics (color, aroma, and, mucus) of broiler chickens meat (Gallus domesticus). Study was conducted in a completely randomized experimental design with 5 level solution of S. Trifasciata (0, 15, 30, 45, and 60 g/100 ml), each of treatment was 4 replication. Application have done by soaking 100 g broiler chickens meat in solution of S. Trifasciata for 30 minutes. The result of this study shown soaking broiler chickens meat in solution of S. Trifasciata significant (P<0,05) influence amount of bacteri, but not significant (P> 0.05) influence protein content, and organoleptic characteristics (color, aroma, and mucus). solution of S. Trifasciata concentrations 15 g/100 ml can be durable chicken brioler meat and not change protein content. But organoleptic characteristics color and aroma of broiler chickens meat which like panelists are the concentration 15 g/100 ml and mucus of broiler chickens meat which like panelists are the concentration 45 g/100 ml. Study conclude that soaking broiler chickens meat in solution of S. Trifasciata can be hamper amount of bacteri but not change protein content and organoleptic characteristics (color, aroma, and mucus) of broiler chickens meat.
Keywords: Sansevieria trifasciata broiler chickens meat amount of bacteri protein content organoleptic
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