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Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) many are grown as ornamental plants, shrubs, and grown in the tropics andsubtropics. Hibiscus is also one kind of plant that is potentially as antifertility. Types of bioactif compounds
contained in plants, the main compounds that are derived from the steroids, alkaloids, isoflavanoid,
tripernoid, and activity as xanthon antifertilities. This encourages the researcher to know the influence of
ethanol ekstract flowers, leaves, and roots of hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) against the weight, volume
and diameter ofseminiferoustubules mice (Mus musculus). The sample of this research is the mice by as
much as 27 tail with a weight of 20-30 grams, aged 2.5 months. Murine in to 3 groups, each group is divided
3 treatment. As for the treatments given are extracts of flowers, leaves, and roots of hibiscus with dose
control, 150, and 300 mg/kg. Granting of extracts for 35 days. On day 37 mice are in surgery for testicular
weight to observations taken, the volume of the testes. The testes then made preparations and measured
diameter of seminiferoustubules. This research is experimental research using Random Design Group. The
data obtained were analyzed with variant analysis (ANOVA) in one direction and continued with test LSD
(Least Significant Different). The results of the research there shows the influence of the ethanol extracts of
flowers, leaves, and roots of hibiscus against testicular volume, weight, and diameter of seminferous
tubules (P < 0.05). The best treatment that can decrease the weight, volume and diameter
ofseminiferoustubules is on the flower with a dose of 300 mg/kg. The results of this research it can be
concluded that extracts of flowers, leaves, and roots can lose weight, testicular volume and diameter of
seminiferoustubules. In future it is hoped the research could be developed as material antifertilitas in men.
Extract of flower, Laves, roots of (Hibiscus rosa sinensis), testicles, diameter of seminiferous tubules, mice (Mus musculus).
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