This study aims to eksplore utilization and optimal dose of fruit punch as raw materials for nata production. This work was conducted using completely randomized design consisting of 5 treatments (333, 250, 200, 170 dan 140 g/l) with 4 replication. Each of dose fruit punch added on basal medium consisting of 100 g/l gula, 5 g/l urea and 10% starter culture of A.xylinum. Results showed dose of fruit punch have significant (P<0.05) effect on yield, firmness, carbon and nitrogen consumption and sensory characteristic. Highest yield (42,14±0,20 g/l), firmnesss (4,24±0.16 g/l), carbon (2,01±0,17%) and nitrogen (0,33±0,12%) consumption have obtained from fruit punch 333 g / l In the medium dose of fruit punch in 333 g / l (2.01 ± 0.17%). Most prefered color of nata (3,75±0,06) was obtained from 333 g/l, neverless most prefered both of taste (3,63±0,04) and aroma (3,37±0,02) were obtained from 140 g/l fruit punch. This study take conclusion that fruit punch can utilize as raw material for nata with optimum dose 333 g/l. Keywords: Sonneratia caseolaris, nata, carbon and nitrogen consumption, production, firmness, organoleptic.Downloads
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