INTERESTING VIEWERS ANALYSIS ON ADVERTISING AT TELEVISION (Case Study of Cigarette Ads for Viewers in the Surabaya Area)

 Abstract views: 135


  • Warsono Warsono Universitas Kartini



advertising, promotion, display, psychological, variable


The increasing number of advertisers on
television, advertising is measured objectively.
However, there are still many advertisements
that fail, because advertising agencies do not
design advertisements in the form of news. To
place an ad, the company hires the services of
an advertising agency to design and manage
the placement of its advertisements. To restore
client confidence, an advertising agency must
be able to increase creativity and sell
advertising effectiveness to clients. So, what
they have to do is create a truly effective
advertisement in accordance with what they
want, which aims to improve the image, status
and power of the advertisement they have
designed. This study uses a factor analysis
method, from 25 question variables reduced to
17 question variables. There are 8 variables
that are wasted or considered not important.
The 17 variables are included in the new
factors that are formed, the number of new
factors is 6 factors, namely: advertising
components, attractiveness of advertising,
advertising goals, style in the implementation
of advertising messages, the psychological
impact of advertising, and display advertising.
The six factors consisting of 17 variables or
components of advertising. After calculating
using the frequency analysis contained in
descriptive statistics, it can be seen that the ad
component or ad variable that is most in
demand by TV viewers is the humorous ad
component with a percentage value of 50.7%


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How to Cite

Warsono, W. (2020). INTERESTING VIEWERS ANALYSIS ON ADVERTISING AT TELEVISION (Case Study of Cigarette Ads for Viewers in the Surabaya Area). Tibuana, 3(02), 12–22.


