marketing mix, purchasing decisions, customer loyalty, structural equation modelingAbstract
Distros have been known by the general public
especially millennial who are fond of the brand
or brand image of a product. The number of
very tight competition makes Lollypop Shop
Surabaya as one of the distributions that are in
need of designing the right marketing strategy.
The purpose of this study was to determine the
effect of 4P marketing mix variables consisting
of products, price, place and promotion of
purchasing decisions and customer loyalty as
a consideration of business owners in
determining marketing strategies. Data
analysis was performed using the Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) method which
involved 120 respondents obtained from the
purposive sampling method. The results of the
analysis show that product and promotion
variables have a positive and significant effect
on purchasing decisions. Price and place
variables have a positive but not significant
effect on product purchasing decisions.
Product variable is the variable that most
influences the purchasing decision of Lollypop
Shop Surabaya products with product variants
as the indicators most desired by consumers.
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