Abstract views: 121


  • Budi Prijo Sembodo Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya
  • Bagus Prima Mahardhika



iron, temperature sensor DS18B20


In this era, practical, effectiveness and
safety in activities are the necessities and
demands of life where almost all people make
it a priority in their lives. Effectiveness in
activities will be obtained by the availability of
technology that supports it all. Various efforts
have been made by humans to make neat
clothes so as to create a clean impression and
support various activities, an example of the
results of human efforts that are widely used to
overcome this is by using an iron. In addition,
the majority of the equipment still requires
manual operation. Apart from the practical
side, but does not eliminate the safety side. So
here the author is interested in conducting
research on the practicality of use which is
later expected to make the use of irons more
efficient, practical and safe. The measured
parameter is how the DS18B20 temperature
sensor functions as a temperature response
receiver that sends a signal to the temperature
sensor module which will activate or
deactivate the iron through a smartphone. The
results of this study that the device is able to
send a signal to the smartphone and if the
temperature produced by the iron exceeds the
maximum limit a warning sign will appear on
the smartphone, and the user can operate the
iron online and remotely using a smartphone.
The speed of response received by the tool is
also to be forwarded to the iron or smartphone
is also in accordance with needs


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How to Cite

Sembodo, B. P., & Mahardhika, B. P. . (2020). MAKING TEMPERATURE ALARM ON IRON-BASED BLYNK PLAYSTORE APPLICATION. Tibuana, 3(02), 35–41.


