Implementation of Food Safety Traceability Systems in The Product Supply Chain at PT. XYZUsing Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

Supply chain, Traceability, Food safety, QFD.Abstract
PT. XYZ is a food manufacturing company with
shrimp crackers as its main product. This
research aims to analyze and make improvements
to the food safety traceability system that has
been applied previously and to develop products
of PT. XYZ using Quality Function Deployment
Method (QFD). This research uses paper-based
traceability and Quality Function Deployment
Method (QFD).After analyzing the food safety
traceability system and analyzing consumer
needs using the QFD method, the results of the
analysis show that the food safety traceability
system is improved by integrating coding along
the supply chain and improving documentation.
Improvements using QFD method is based on
three main priorities, those are maintaining
consistency in the aspect of packaging according
to prevailing standards, packaging product that is
informative, as well as maintaining and
improving the aspects of color, taste, and smell of
the product.
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