Effect of Using Power Air Screw And Cyclone On Air – Fuel Equivalence Ratio And Monoxide Carbon Gas Emissions In Four Stroke Gasoline Engines

 Abstract views: 126


  • Syamsul Arifin Institut Teknologi 10 November Surabaya




carbon monoxide; cyclone; power air screw; reduction


The experience is observed for four
strokes petrol engine for revolution 1000 rpm - 4000 rpm, with used of power air screw on
carburator and cyclone on outlet intake
manifold. Air – fuel mixture have passed of
cyclone to combustion chamber to become
turbulent flow and homogen. Then the
experience of step by step used power screw
and cyclone. The first investigation on standar
condition, the second put of power air screw
on carburator, the third put of cyclone on outlet
intake manifold, the fourth put of combination
of power air screw and cyclone. It was
observing for increasing air – fuel equivalence
ratio and reduction of exhaust CO
concentration. Actually, used combination of
power air screw and cyclone are resulted of
carbon monoxide concentration drop of
enough significant for 2500 rpm and 4000 rpm,
respectively 51% and 67%. The carbon
monoxide least concentration is 1,14% on
condition 4000 rpm.


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How to Cite

Arifin, S. (2021). Effect of Using Power Air Screw And Cyclone On Air – Fuel Equivalence Ratio And Monoxide Carbon Gas Emissions In Four Stroke Gasoline Engines. Tibuana, 4(01), 49–54. https://doi.org/10.36456/tibuana.4.01.3178.49-54


