Comparison of the Effectiveness of Natural Coagulant Performance on% BOD Removal and% COD Removal in Pharmaceutical Industry Waste

 Abstract views: 268


  • Agustin Maharani Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya
  • Dwi Setiawan Institut Teknologi Adi Tama Surabaya
  • Erlinda Ningsih Institut Teknologi Adi Tama Surabaya



Coagulation, natural coagulants, pharmaceutical industry waste


Waste treatment can be done in various
ways. One of the methods that can be used is
the coagulation and flocculation method. The
coagulant used can be either a chemical
coagulant or a natural coagulant. Natural
coagulants can be used in wastewater
treatment for % removal of BOD and %
removal of COD. By using moringa seed
coagulant, it showed % removal of BOD of
90.12% and % removal of COD in the
pharmaceutical industry waste a maximum of
71.23%. Through the use of tapioca starch
coagulants, % removal of BOD and COD
was 95.25% and 94.63%. The use of small
crab chitosan coagulant showed % removal
of both BOD and COD’s results was 32%
and 31%.


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How to Cite

Maharani, A., Setiawan, D. ., & Ningsih, E. (2021). Comparison of the Effectiveness of Natural Coagulant Performance on% BOD Removal and% COD Removal in Pharmaceutical Industry Waste. Tibuana, 4(01), 55–60.


