Designing Improvement of Service effectiveness Using M/M/1 and M/M/S Queue Models (Case Study: Customer Arrivals at Jatim Park Tourist Destination During Holidays and Peak Hours)
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Queueing is a collection of people lined up with the purpose of waiting to be served, after which they leave the queue. Queuing activities often arise due to ineffective or suboptimal service times, resulting in longer wait times. To maximize and schedule service time optimally, queueing models such as M/M/1 and M/M/S systems are utilized. This study applies these models to analyze the queuing system at Jatim Park tourist destination. The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of service at the ticketing counters of Jatim Park during holidays. To initiate the study, data was collected on visitor arrival times and average service times. The data analysis aims to optimize service effectiveness at the Kampung Coklat tourist area by implementing the FCFS (First Come, First Served) queueing method and the M/M/S system. The findings suggest that the optimal number of teller servers needed to serve visitors effectively is 2. The analysis also identifies that the longest queue occurs between 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM, with 3 visitors waiting at its peak. The average number of visitors in the queue during this period is approximately 1.3 or 1 visitor. Based on these results, the study concludes that the service effectiveness at the Kampung Coklat tourist area is sufficiently optimized.
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