The Author’s Guideline of WAKTU
I. Introduction
WAKTU is a national scientific journal that encourages innovation, creativity, and novelty in research. It is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Engineering Faculty at the Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya. The primary goal of WAKTU is to facilitate the scientific publication of research results conducted in Indonesia and contribute to enhancing the quality and quantity of research conducted by academics and researchers. The journal is published biannually in January and July.
WAKTU has been indexed in Google Scholar, further enhancing its visibility and accessibility. The editorial board of WAKTU cordially invites researchers to submit their manuscripts for consideration and potential publication in the journal. By submitting your manuscript to WAKTU, you can contribute to the dissemination of scientific knowledge and research findings.
2. The Manuscript Guidelines
The author is required to utilize the manuscript template provided by WAKTU. The guidelines for writing and the templates can be downloaded from the provided link. To meet the requirements for publication in WAKTU,
articles must adhere to the following conditions:
- Manuscript Format:
- The manuscript should be written in English, using Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) format.
- The paper size should be A4 (210mm x 297mm) with a margin size of 20mm on the top, 25mm on the bottom, and 20mm on the left and right sides.
- Title and Abstract:
- The article title should be written in Times New Roman (TNR), size 24pt, with single spacing.
- Abstracts should be written in both Indonesian and English, using 10pt TNR font, and should not exceed 250 words. Keywords, consisting of no more than five words, should be included in the abstract section.
- Manuscript Content:
- The main content of the manuscript should be written using TNR, size 11pt, with single spacing and justified alignment.
- The content should be divided into chapters, including Introduction, Research Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if applicable), and References.
- The Introduction section should be written systematically, consisting of three parts. The first part should provide a comprehensive description of the problem, supported by quantitative data or references. The second part should discuss previous research related to the topic, citing relevant references. The third part should state the study objectives, along with explanations of any differences or developments in the field. Additionally, any gaps in the problem or topic being studied should be mentioned in this section.
- The Research Method section should describe the stages of the research, data analysis methods, design process, etc. Flowcharts, block diagrams, or mathematical equations can be used to illustrate the research stages.
- The Results and Discussion section should include system implementation details (if applicable, including photos or images), system testing, results analysis, and discussions. The results should be consistent with the research objectives mentioned earlier. It is also important to compare the research results with previous studies.
- The Conclusions section should be a concise paragraph that answers the research objectives. Additionally, suggestions for further development or future research plans related to the topic should be provided.
- Acknowledgments should be given to individuals or institutions that have provided funding or facilities. Include the research funding scheme and the research contract number, if applicable.
- References should be formatted according to the IEEE style. Priority should be given to scientific journals and conference proceedings, with a minimum of 10 references from the past 5 years. Other supporting references such as books, theses, dissertations, and official websites can be included if necessary.
- Headings and Sub-headings:
- Level 1 headings should be in Small Caps, size 13pt, centered, and numbered using Roman numerals. The "Acknowledgments" and "References" headings should not be numbered.
- Level 2 headings should be italicized and bold, size 11pt, aligned to the left, and numbered using uppercase letters.
- Level 3 headings should be indented, italicized, and numbered with numbers followed by right brackets. Level 3 headings should end with a colon. The font size for Level 3 headings is 11pt. The content under Level 3 headings should continue in the same paragraph.
- Figures, Tables, and Equations:
- Figures and tables should be centered. Larger graphs and tables can span both columns.
- Figures should have good resolution.
- Figures and tables should be numbered. Captions and table titles should be in bold font, size 10pt, and centered.
- Equations should be sequentially numbered, with numbers in parentheses aligned to the right margin. Ensure that the symbols used in the equations are defined either before or immediately after the equation appears.
- Reference Formatting:
- All reference items should be in font size 10pt.
- Number the reference items sequentially in square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], etc.
- Different categories of references should be included in the References section.
- Citation Formatting:
- All the served data or quotes in the article taken from the other author articles should attach the reference sources. The references should use a reference application management such as Mendeley, End Note, or Zotero. The writing format that used in WAKTU follows the format applied by IEEE. When citing a reference within the text, use the numbering format surrounded by square brackets. For example: [1].
- If citing multiple references, separate them with commas and enclose each reference number within square brackets. For example: [2], [4], [5], [7]-[9].
- Here are some examples of reference items in different categories:
Book reference: [1]
Journal article reference: [2]
Conference paper reference: [3]
Website reference: [4]
Final project, master's thesis, and doctoral thesis reference: [5]
[1] K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering Fourth Edition, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2002.
[2] A. R. Al Tahtawi and A. S. Rohman, “Perancangan Pengendali PI-AW pada Simulator Mobil Listrik untuk Kendali Kecepatan dan Torsi,” Jurnal Teknik Elektro, Komputer, dan Informatika (ELECTRANS), vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 1-7, 2016.
[3] N. Ya’acob, M. Zolkapli, J. Johari, A.L. Yusof, S.S. Sarnin, and A. Zaied, “UAV Environment Monitoring System,” in Proc. International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and System Engineering (ICEESE), Kanazawa, 2017, pp. 105-109.
[4] (2018) The IEEE website. [Online]. Available:
[5] V. Ungan, “Networked PID Controllers for Wireless Systems,” Master degree project, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2010.
3. The Online Submission Manuscript Guidelines
The manuscript should be submitted through one of two systems, with the online submission system being the preferred method. Here are the steps for submitting the manuscript using the online submission system in the WAKTU E-journal portal:
- Register as either an author or reviewer on the portal by clicking on "Register."
- Complete the registration process by providing the necessary information and selecting the desired role (author or reviewer).
Submission Process:
- Log in as an author and click on "New Submission" to start the article submission process.
- The submission process consists of five stages: (1) Start, (2) Upload Submission, (3) Enter Metadata, (4) Upload Supplementary Files, and (5) Confirmation.
- In the "Start" column, choose the appropriate Journal Section where your article will be published. Ensure that all the required checklists are selected.
- In the "Upload Submission" column, upload your manuscript file in MS Word format.
- In the "Enter Metadata" column, provide all the necessary author details and affiliations. This includes the Journal Title, Abstract, Keywords, and References.
- In the "Upload Supplementary Files" column, you have the option to upload any supplementary files, such as a statement letter or additional materials.
- Review all the entered data in the "Confirmation" column. If everything is correct, click on "Finish Submission."
- If you encounter any difficulties during the submission process through the online system, please contact the WAKTU editorial team at [email protected]. They will be able to assist you further.