Clusters, Fish Auction, Structuring TPIAbstract
Coastal and marine areas is one of the natural resources that have the nature of a
complex, dynamic, and unique because of the influence of the two ecosystems, the oceans and
terrestrial ecosystems. Sidoarjo has great potential in the development of the fisheries sector, one
in the District Sedati, Gisik Cemandi village. Cemandi Gisik village has the potential local-scale
fish auction place. The purpose of the study is to identify the Fish Auction Infrastructures Juanda,
and create a concept of structuring infrastructure cluster-based TPI. The method used is
descriptive qualitative method and arrangement of the design concept. Analytical techniques used
were interviews and observation techniques in the study area. The analysis showed that the
arrangement of the TPI-based cluster, can be carried out if the following Regulation of Maritime
Fisheries and Affairs 10 / MEN / 2004, relating to facilities and infrastructure. Existing facilities and
infrastructure in the corresponding Regulation of the Minister of Marine Fisheries and Affairs of
Indonesia No. 10 / MEN / 2004 include boat docks, fishing boats, places of worship and toilet,
while the infrastructure is not in accordance with the regulation of the Minister of Marine Affairs
and Fisheries 10 / MEN / 2004 include building TPI, TPI management office, and fishing gear.
Thus, TPI infrastructure that is in conformity with the Regulation of the Minister of Marine Fisheries
and Affairs of Indonesia No. 10 / MEN / 2004 keep being maintained and adjusted in accordance
with the design concept of the arrangement of this research.
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