Evaluasi Agrowisata Idola D’Ganjaran di Desa Sambibulu Kecamatan Taman Sidoarjo
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Agrowisata, Evaluasi, KarakteristikAbstract
Sambibulu Agrotourism is located in Sambibulu Village, Taman Sidoarjo District. This place is a paddy field but now it has changed its function into agro-tourism which is managed by a village-owned enterprise (BUMDes), with an area of 5 hectares and 1.5 hectares of land used for game ponds and fishing. Before the arrival of Covid, the D'Ganjaran idol agro tourism was very crowded with visitors in 2019 in February 65%, March 52% and April 35%. after there was a government policy regarding covid 19 the number of tourists decreased by 30% because of that D'Ganjaran idol agrotourism was only open on holidays, namely Sundays. So there needs to be an evaluation to build the existence of D'Ganjaran idol agrotourism in Taman District. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the D, Ganjaran agro-tourism area and the discovery of the existence of Idola D'Ganjaran agro-tourism in Taman Sidoarjo District. Methods of data collection using the study of relevant agencies, interviews, documentation, and observation. The analytical technique used is descriptive qualitative with situation analysis and evaluation and Skechup design. The results showed that D'Ganjaran's idol Agrotourism was more of an agro-tourism attraction, this was seen from the variety and attractions presented such as water agro-tourism and artificial rides. The results of the evaluation of the main facilities and supporting facilities with a percentage of 73.68%, and 26.31% that are not appropriate. Those that are not suitable include the main nursery facilities, entertainment stage facilities, telephone and communication network facilities, and supporting facilities that are not suitable such as guardrail facilities, and trash can facilities.
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