Quality Function Deployment Implementation Based on Kano Model An Application on Mobile Vendor Product Development

Product Product development; Quality function deployment; Kano modelAbstract
The severe competition in the market has driven enterprises to produce a wider variety of
products to meet consumers’ needs, a strategic business system allows more effective communication among different groups at dispersed locations to share ideas and access information needed for developing new products
and executing innovative processes. The main
function of mobile vendor product development is to develop an attractive system which ensures customer satisfaction. Therefore, one of the important topics of the system developments is to take customer requirements into consideration.
Quality function deployment (QFD) has been
widely used for numerous years; it is one of
the structured methodologies that are used
to translate customer needs into specific quality
development. However, in the traditional QFD approach, each element’s interdependence and customer requirements are usually not systematically treated. Additionally, the Kano
model can effectively classify customer demand
attributes, but to make Kano model more
objective in the course of weighing.
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