Jurnal Teknik UNIPA2025-01-06T00:00:00+07:00Dian Majid[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p>Wahana Aktivitas dan Kreativitas Teknologi Unipasby (<strong>WAKTU</strong>) is an open-access journal that provides authors with the opportunity to publish their work in various fundamental and interdisciplinary areas of engineering.</p> <p>The subject coverage of <strong>WAKTU</strong> includes all aspects of Engineering, encompassing disciplines such as <strong>Aerospace, Bioengineering, Chemical, Civil and Environmental, Electrical, Energy, Industrial and Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering</strong>.</p> <p><strong>WAKTU</strong> Journal welcomes the submission of two types of papers: full research papers and article review papers. We value the importance of high-quality research and therefore subject all submitted manuscripts to a rigorous peer-review process. This ensures the integrity and excellence of the published work.</p> <p><strong>WAKTU</strong> Journal follows a biannual publication schedule, with Issue No. 1 released in <strong>January</strong> and Issue No. 2 in <strong>July</strong>. This allows us to provide a regular platform for researchers to share their findings and contribute to the field of engineering.</p> <p> </p> tingkat kerentanan air tanah terhadap pencemaran dengan menggunakan metode SINTACS dan metode DRASTIC di Kecamatan Sumobito Kabupaten Jombang2024-12-04T14:36:05+07:00Muhammad Afif Sholihuddin[email protected]Hari Siswoyo[email protected]Emma Yuliani[email protected]<p><em>Most residents of Sumobito District still use groundwater as their raw water source through dug wells. Groundwater in this area is potentially vulnerable to pollution. This can happen because of the increasing number of industrial and household waste, as well as the use of pesticides on rice fields, which triggers the emergence of potential sources of pollution for ground water. This research aims to identify the location distribution of groundwater vulnerability levels. Identification was carried out at 23 dug well points that had been determined for 5 months. The methods used in this research are the SINTACS method and the DRASTIC method with 7 hydrogeological parameters each. The results of this research are dominated by rather high vulnerability which tends to be in the western and southern parts of the research location with an area of 17.43 km<sup>2</sup> to 39.66 km<sup>2</sup> for the SINTACS method. Meanwhile, the DRASTIC method is dominated by moderate vulnerability which tends to be in the eastern and southern parts of the research location with an area of 46.79 km<sup>2</sup> to 47.20 km<sup>2</sup>. Sustainable groundwater protection planning with a land conservation perspective is the right step to prevent contamination of groundwater from pollutant sources.</em></p>2025-01-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 WAKTU: Jurnal Teknik UNIPA QFD for improving service quality and social fund management 2024-12-04T14:39:32+07:00Manik Ayu[email protected]Surjo Hadi[email protected]Yitno Utomo[email protected]Yanatra Budi Pramana[email protected]Harno Suntoko[email protected]<p>The research conducted at Foundation X aimed to develop its services to improve the quality by identifying the attributes of the services and describing the facilities. The analysis used Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Following the preliminary survey and interviews, questionnaires were then distributed to respondents (consumers) to determine the voice of customers. Furthermore, the data were processed using QFD. The research results are as follows: 1) Transparency is the attribute with the highest importance level and with a value of importance of 4.62; 2) the Donor Service Program is the service attribute with the top priority to be developed or improve the performance and with a weight value of 4.65129; 3) the Report of Revenue/Routine Expenditures to Donors is the technical response with the top priority to be developed or improved, with a priority value of 3.00852 and a normalized contribution of 15.9%.</p> <p>Keywords : foundation, QFD, attribute, voice of customer</p>2025-01-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 WAKTU: Jurnal Teknik UNIPA Kawasan Permukiman Kumuh Menjadi Kawasan Permukiman Ekologis di Kawasan Pesisir Muncar2024-10-15T10:00:53+07:00Moch Shofwan[email protected]Putra Ivan Febriano[email protected]<p><em>This study aims to examine the development of slum areas into ecological settlement areas in the coastal area of Muncar. Coastal areas often face various problems, such as irregular buildings, lack of facilities and infrastructure, and low environmental quality, which have an impact on community health and welfare. In this context, the development of ecological areas is important to improve the quality of life of the community while maintaining the sustainability of the coastal environment. This research approach uses a mix methods method, namely quantitative and qualitative descriptions. The results of the study are expected to provide an overview of the strategic steps that need to be taken in seven aspects such as buildings, road networks, drainage, drinking water, waste processing, wastewater processing, and fire protection.</em></p>2025-01-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 WAKTU: Jurnal Teknik UNIPA perbandingan viskositas dan kelayakan beberapa merek oli SAE 10W-40 menggunakan prototipe alat falling ball viscometer2024-12-04T14:40:47+07:00setya ardhi[email protected]Suhatati Tjandra[email protected]Grace Levina Dewi[email protected]Endang Sriwahyuni[email protected]Arizky Putra Listyanto[email protected]Devi Dwi Purwanto[email protected]<p><em>The determination of oil quality in conventional engine vehicles is carried out by measuring the coefficient of viscosity and kinematic viscosity. Good kinematic viscosity should not decrease by more than 50% from its initial value. This research uses the Falling Ball Viscometer (FBV) method to measure the viscosity of five brands of SAE 10W-40 oil: Enduro 4T Racing, Shell Advance 4T, Castrol Power 1 4T, Fastron Techno, and Mobil Supermoto at temperatures of 40°C and 100°C. Testing was performed on new oil and after traveling 3000 km. The results showed a decrease in kinematic viscosity by 21%-42% at 40°C and 24%-30% at 100°C. The device uses a reed switch magnet sensor and Arduino UNO microcontroller to process and display data on an LCD. The comparison between the device and manual measurement showed a difference of 0.12-0.7 at 40°C and 0.06-2.16 at 100°C, with an average correction of 0.84-1.5 at 40°C and 0.23-0.40 at 100°.</em> <em>This research is crucial for vehicle users as it provides more accurate information regarding the degradation of oil quality after usage, helping users determine the optimal time for oil replacement to maintain fuel efficiency, performance, and engine durability. For the lubricant industry, the findings of this research can be utilized to improve oil formulations that are more resistant to viscosity reduction due to temperature and mileage, thereby meeting higher quality standards in the market</em><em>.</em></p>2025-01-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 WAKTU: Jurnal Teknik UNIPA tingkat kerataan jalan dengan metode international roughness index menggunakan hawkeye 2000 (studi kasus : Jl. Gajahmada Slawi)2024-12-04T14:38:45+07:00Thezar amru Thezar[email protected]<p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Jalan Gajah Mada merupakan jalan lokal utama yang banyak dilalui oleh kendaraan roda dua maupun roda empat. Jalan Gajah Mada di Kecamatan Slawi, Kabupaten Tegal, merupakan salah satu jalan utama yang penting di wilayah tersebut. Jalan ini berperan sentral dalam menghubungkan berbagai fasilitas dan lokasi penting di Slawi. Untuk mendukung kelancaran aksesibilitas dan menghindari kecelakaan, maka dilakukan analisis data tingkat kategori risiko di Jalan Gajah Mada Slawi. Dalam pengumpulan data digunakan metode Hawkeye 2000 series dan perangkat lunak Hawkeye Processing Toolkit untuk menganalisis data. Tujuan dari analisis ini adalah untuk memberikan rekomendasi kondisi jalan terhadap Indeks Kekasaran Internasional Jalan Gajah Mada Slawi.</span></span></p>2025-01-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 WAKTU: Jurnal Teknik UNIPA