Marriage isthe most sacred ceremony in the course of human life,each region hasits own procedures
performed by tribes Madura in general and especially in the city Sumenep. Make up and bridal
fashion become the center ofattention of the public and guests who attended the wedding,
therefore,the bride would want to look attractive. Bridal Sumenep on each night receptionis divided
into three kinds, namely legha bridal make up, bridal make up bridal make up kapotren and candles.
The discussion on this matter is devoted to review of bridal legha. This research is motivated by the
fact that Indonesia is actually rich variety harmoninasi customs in public life. The procedure for
eachevent must be different tribe, one of the brides in East Java there that has a characteristic
unique make up, among others Madura particularly Sumenep. Formulation of the problem in this
study is "How do makeup, fashion and bridal accessories legha Sumenep Madura?".The goal is to
describe the results of makeup, fashion and bridal accessories legha Sumenep Madura. Subjects in
this study consist edoffive people and the institutions, among others, the Department of Tourism
Culture Youth and Sports Sumenep, bridal make up expert legha Sumenep among others Drs.RM
Taufiqurrahmanheisat the same legha bridal make up Sumenep cultural figures, Hj.Uhana bridal
make up artist and one of the members of the DPCHARPI MELATISumenepdistrict,
Nuningmotherwhois also a bridal make up in Sumenep, as well as the male and female models are
ready make up legha bride. Data obtained by observation, interviews and documentation.