Penerapan Teori Graf pada Pengaturan Lampu Lalu Lintas di Perempatan Alun Alun Kota Bojonegoro

graph theory, coloring graph, nodes, intersection of the traffic lightsAbstract
At an crossroads, the traffic lights are needed so that vehicles can pass safely and comfortably. The traffic lights are set as much as possible so that the vehicle going through can run with tertatur. There are a lot of solutions to orchestrate a traffic light at the crossroads. On this paper, examples of intersection to be regulated are the North Ring Road intersection using a graph theory. The Graph that is used is a technique of graphene dye with nodes. The nodes used symbolizes the vehicle lane.
The method used in this study is the observation method which is a method of collecting data by placing or direct observation of the same research object to be selected. The data in this study were obtained by directly observing the amount of time at the intersection of the four Bojonegoro squares. The results of this study resulted in the effectiveness of the time intervals in the morning, afternoon and evening when the duration of the green light was reduced by 5%. And the duration of the red light was reduced by 2%.
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